Have you ever wished that you were born with a talent for drawing images on paper or any medium? Some people may have learned the act of drawing from schools but nothing beats artists who have art flowing in their veins. Their creations are quite astounding even when they're only using ballpoint pens!

 This beautiful freckled girl is a work of art unbelievably made with the use of ballpoint pens.

 The artist has the knack for drawing expressive images as well as lighting technique.

 The artist played with shadows on this art. Something you expect from pencils and charcoals, not ballpoint pens!

It would take several pens to create this realistic image of Johnny Depp as Captain Sparrow in the Pirates of the Caribbean.

Cat lovers would surely get the artist's services to draw a portrait of their beloved pets.

Seriously, a ballpoint pen! Only a master could create something as detailed and as exquisite as this art!

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