by Carol Giannantonio

It's pretty easy sometimes to feel like a victim. There are "things" that affect our daily lives - work, friends, children, aging parents, health issues, loss of a loved one, a job even a pet.

But these are things that happen around us. They don't actually happen to us.

It is our reactions to the things that happen around us that shapes our lives.
So how do you get started? Allow me to help. Here's a simple 5 Step Plan to creating a creating a happy and fulfilling life or as they say "a life that matters"

Step 1: Take a positive look at life. Change your thinking and change your attitude. Stop the negative thinking of poor me and start the positive thinking of wow look at all I have.
Develop a positive attitude about you. This will allow you to start using all your wonderful qualities to "starting liking you" and start creating a life you love.

Step 2: Make a choice. You and only you can make the choice to create a life you love. You and only you can make the choice to sit back do nothing and allow life to control you. Caution: Sitting back, doing nothing and feeling like a victim puts you in a "stuck" situation. When your stuck, you can't see things clearly, and you just cant seem to find the path to happiness. You feel trapped, sad, anxious and even fearful. Not pleasant feelings at all. The good news is you can change this. The choice is yours.

Step 3: Believe in you. You have the ability to create a life that matters. You need to:
A) Believe in you. B) Visualize your life as you like it to be and make it so. C)Have the courage to take the risk, look reality in the face and take action D) Stop feeling sorry for yourself- overcome the feeling of being the victim and start feeling victorious by taking control of your life. How can you do that? Just take action. Just do it NOW.

Step 4: Exercise your Freedom of Choice. The choice is always yours. Yet for so many of us--making the choice to live a happy life is difficult. Sometimes people find comfort in staying in a familiar, safe place. Change is scary. Once you realize and accept this fact you can start to act on CHANGING.

Step 5: Look Life in the Eye. Look at yourself in the mirror. What do you really see? The greatest challenge one can face is to look at life smack in the eye and say I am ready to do what it takes to create a life I want and love.

While looking in the mirror say this- "I have what it takes, I have the power." or "Look at me. I have so much going for myself." Now smile, doesn't that feel great? Like a 50 lb weight off your shoulders.

One of my clients burst into tears while doing this. She looked reality right in the eyes and said oh my God what am I doing to myself? I have so much going for me so I BETTER GET GOING.

We've had only 4 coaching sessions and her life has changed dramatically.

When you start believing in you everything is possible. Get unstuck and get going. That's when the real happiness begins.

Don't you deserve to be happy?
About Carol Giannantonio

For over 10 years Carol Giannantonio has helped individuals positively transform their lives and careers through her unique coaching and goals setting process. Carol's knowledge of and passion for coaching combined with her compassion and wisdom provide her clients with an enriching coaching experience. Her clients quickly see an improvement in their performance, experience positive changes in their overall quality of life and learn new and improved ways of thinking that allow them to reach their full potential. Carol is an Educator, Life, Business and Career Coach who specializes in helping people clarify what's really important to them, break through their limitations, and tap into their energy to have a life they want and love. Her guiding principle is, "Go The Distance to Reach Your Dreams. Please visit her Web site and sign up for a free consultation, her newsletter, daily quotes and much more. Contact her at for a truly unique coaching experience.

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